Friday, July 25, 2008

Lake view Hotel

It was 7 in the morning, Rishabh was knocking on Grishma's door. She opened the door and let him in. Her eyes were swollen and red.

"You know, you didn't have to cry all night. You could have cried for an hour, the dosage is usually enough to induce deep sleep." said Rishabh with a smile " And imagine if you fall asleep after you reach there."

"Very funny" Grishma smiled back at him " You think I could sleep today"

"Yeah! That's why I came to meet you early." said Rishabh as he lay sprawled across the sofa "Now, listen. If you feel that anybody is being hostile or is trying to harm you, gimme a call. I'll be there in twenty minutes. On second thoughts, shall I accompany you?"

"Why would anybody harm me? Just because I didn't do what I was told to? I don't think they would" she said.

Rishabh noticed she was getting into one of her tempers. "Ok babes! Cool it now. and even if anyone does try anything. I'll be there"

"No you won't" said Grishma, her voice raised " The place is a one hour drive from here. Not 20 minutes. and NO you are NOT accompanying me. I have to be there alone." She stormed out of the apartment and hopped into a taxi.

Meanwhile, Vasanti arrived at the Mirik railway station. She walked out of the station and was surprised at the hustle and bustle of the once sleepy town.

A few taxis were waiting at the taxi stand. Vasanti walked towards the stand.

"Lake house?" she asked one on the drivers.

He stared at her for a while and said "There is no such place in Mirik"

"Maybe you don't know the place. Are you new around here?"

"I've been here for about seven years madam. and I know every corner of the town." said the driver with a tinge of pride in his voice " Are you sure that is where you have to go?"

"Pretty sure!" said Vasanti "Tell me, do you know the lake near Devi temple? The house is right next to it. It's huge with a sprawling garden and a .."

"I don't know about any lake view house ma'am." Interrupted the driver " But the only huge place I know near Sumendu lake is 'Lake view hotel'. Shall I take you there?"

Vasanti's turned pale as she said "OK! take me there"

The Lake was a long drive from the city, and Vasanti could not help but exclaim how much the town had changed.

"Here you are madam" said the driver after an hour long journey. "Lake view hotel. Beautiful! Isn't it?"

Vasanti muttered a meek "yes". There lay in front of her a palatial building. She had never seen anything as beautiful in her town. This could not be lake view house, but then, this is where it was.

She paid the taxi's fare and started walking towards the hotel's reception. As she entered, a car stopped at the entrance and a beautiful lady got out of the car. She walked to the reception. Everyone in the hotel seemed to have stopped in their tracks to take a look at her.

"I've seen her somewhere, maybe on television" thought Vasanti, as she saw the lady pick the keys to her suite and walk away gracefully. At the same time she realised she could not afford to stay in a hotel like this. It was too expensive for her.

She picked up her bags and walked out. The durban smiled at her in a sympathetic way. He would usually snigger at people like her, but she looked so innocent and helpless that he forgot to be rude.

"Where do I go now? I planned to stay at the house." said Vasanti to herself and suddenly she panicked as another thought stuck her "How do I meet the others? I can't even recognize them." She scanned the place for the sight of a familiar face.

There were a lot of people around and she could not spot any of them. Disappointed, she sat on the edge of the lake, and was absently throwing pebbles in the water.

A few feet away from her a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties was playing with a little pup. As she saw her, Vasanti was reminded of her childhood and smiled at the girl.

The girl stared at Vasanti for some time and then sat down beside her.

"Hi!You seem to be troubled, can I help you in anyway?" she asked

Vasanti smiled "You know, you remind me of a little girl I knew a long time ago. She had kind eyes like you. She would always go out of her way to help people and animals." said Vasanti, looking as if she were in a trance.

She looked up to see the girl looking at her with a big smile "She was your special little girl. And you came here to meet her today. Didn't you? It's me Vasu di. It is your Varshu." cried the girl as she embraced Vasanti.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

confused confused full confused.....................................................................